Why is a Daily Check-in Important?

Have you ever wanted to know a secret tool to making your long-term relationship successful? Not everyone may know this, but it’s understanding the importance of a daily check-in. This process allows you to fully understand what you want, why you want it, and how it makes you feel.

Why is a daily check-in important?

Although it’s not obvious, we usually forget our goals overnight. In that span of time, we forget what we’re striving for each day. This part of us easily gets lost as we sleep, and it needs reigniting so we stay on track.

A daily check-in catalyses your goals for long-term love. This habit allows for a presence, a healthy connection and tuning in with yourself and what’s happening around you.

In our busy world, we tend to get so occupied with what we need to do that we forget to tune into how we’re feeling. Making it a habit to check in with yourself is a great way to assess where you are emotionally and mentally. This regular catch-up with yourself is invaluable in your relationships as people feel that you are more present with them because you are more present with yourself. 

How to check in with yourself

If you’re curious about what’s the best way to do a check-in, here are some pointers:

●    Find stillness in your mind

Avoid the noise since this will only cause confusion and make you feel uncomfortable. When you are checking in you need to make sure that your mind and the area you’re in are quiet. 

It’s normal to feel awkward if this is your first time doing a check-in, and you may have the urge to go back to your busy life, but have faith, it will be easier as you practise each day.

Once you find stillness, it becomes easier to connect with your intentions, wants, and needs.

●    Find the opportunity to ask

Once you find the stillness in your mind, you need to ask yourself what you need at that exact moment and how you are. Although a daily check-in is not a rigid process and you can ask yourself anything you want, it is helpful to have a way of starting it each day so that you more quickly turn your energy inwards.

After asking questions, listen to your responses wholeheartedly. Be mindful of your thoughts and feelings and write these down.

Mirah’s challenge for you today is:

Take a minute and check in with yourself. Evaluate how you feel right now, what you want or need, why you want it, and how it makes you feel when you envisage having it. You can do this every morning if you so choose.


Doing a daily check-in is supportive as you go through your life’s journey. Through this, you’re making sure that your needs are heard and met so that when you engage in a relationship, you have more chance of showing up with presence. This skill of being present creates a much greater chance of long-term relationship success. 

Watch the video here.

If you want to learn more about relationships, join the Facebook group Long-Term Relationship Success

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