Why Bother with a Relationship?

If it’s too much work and effort then why bother with a relationship? Despite the hard work relationships require, there are a lot of benefits we can attain from them. Humans crave social interaction, and being in a relationship helps strengthen emotional wellbeing.

As long as we’re with the right person, relationships can help us become the best version of ourselves and create a positive impact on the world and others.

The Benefits of Being in a Relationship

Life is more than what we see and relationships are not just about the connection between two people. It’s also about the impact we bring, the learnings we share, and how they influence our perception of the world.

Here are some of the known benefits of being in a relationship according to WebMD.

● You have someone to rely on

Relationships can serve as a great support system. You have an extra pair of hands to help you in various circumstances. Moreover, asking for help isn’t going to be a struggle since your partner will gladly help you with anything. 

Couples can also provide a listening ear or pieces of advice to each other if they feel distressed. Furthermore, before they make a life-changing decision, couples can consult their partners first and see how it will work for their relationship.

● Helps see yourself in a positive manner

When you spend time with people who make you feel good, helps you see yourself in a positive light. Also, when you get the love that you deserve, you feel valued and become the best version of yourself.

● Lowers stress levels

When we’re in a healthy relationship, we generally feel good, and it impacts our well-being. Your partner can also help you manage your stress levels and become more physically active to combat stress.

● Commitment to becoming healthy

Having a partner means having someone who will encourage and inspire you to become healthy. They can join you in workouts, exercises, or eating healthily. They’ll serve as your workout buddy or reminder that you need to be more attentive to your physical and mental health.

● An opportunity to enjoy life

Your partner may help you see life from a different and better perspective. They can motivate you to try new things that let you discover more about yourself. Since you’re not alone in trying new activities, they become more fun.

For us to fully recognise the benefits of being in a relationship, Mirah encourages writing down what we have gained from our connections with others. Take note of how your life has changed by knowing specific people. Also, if you have an annoying relationship that you want to improve, check out The Relationship Breakthrough Quiz, here.

Watch the video here.If you want to learn more about relationships, join the Facebook group Long-Term Relationship Success

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