We tend to overlook the warning signs in a relationship. Just because we’re romantically involved with someone, we think that they want what’s best for us. We may not know that we’re already trapped in some form of abuse cycle. No matter how good you think your bond is, it’s important to recognise when to get help in a relationship setting.
The Key Signs That Someone Needs Help in a Relationship
Staying in an unhealthy relationship has damaging effects on your well-being. But the thing is that some people don’t even realise that they’re in a toxic relationship. They think that the person they’re romantically involved with will never be capable of hurting them in any way.
It’s true that no relationship is perfect but this shouldn’t mean that there should be tolerance for poor treatment. According to an article published by Verywell Mind, some of the key signs that someone needs help in a relationship are the following:
● Abuse
There are different types of abuse but the most common ones in a relationship are physical, emotional, psychological, verbal, and financial abuse. Most people will overlook abuse no matter how obvious it is. If you’re experiencing abuse, the best thing to do is seek help from professionals, family, or friends.
● Controlling behaviour
Controlling someone to act a certain way can also be tagged as manipulation. This may lead one to isolate or cut off the communication of another person from friends and families.
● Disrespect
When the other person disrespects his/her partner, they dismiss or invalidate their feelings and thoughts. Some may even make fun of their partners which leads to embarrassment, guilt, or anxiety.
The Kinds of Help You Can Get
Realising that you’re in an unhealthy relationship is not easy but what’s more difficult is admitting the fact that you need help. There are different kinds of help you can get, but it will start with you. It’s important to recognise that you are still loved despite going through an abusive relationship. If you decide to leave a bad relationship, here are ways that can help you move forward as per the informative article issued by Healthline Media.
● Seek emotional support from family
Family and friends may provide you with support. They care about you and may have an idea of what’s happening in your relationship. Also, since you are close with them, they won’t be overcritical of your situation and will understand your needs.
● Support from professionals
Sometimes the abusive relationship greatly impacts your persona and how you function. Emotional support from friends and family may not be enough. You may need help from therapists so they can map out a plan to get you out of the negative state.
● Ask help from friends who’ve been through the same
A conversation with a friend who’s been through the same scenario can help you see that there’s a more hopeful time ahead. They can give you tips or even help you with the journey of moving forward.
A Challenge To Improve Yourself
Being in an abusive relationship is not easy, but you need to determine what you can do to get out of it. You need to be assertive in empowering yourself so that you feel more confident. When you feel empowered, you don’t tolerate wrongdoings. This is a challenge to become more aware of your internal monitor. Look for areas in your life where you need to be more assertive and stronger. Doing so lets you set boundaries and show others how you want to be treated.
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