What’s a Take on Next Steps for a Successful Long-Term Relationship?

We’re so used to planning so much for the future. We want to make sure we can handle every single obstacle that comes our way. Even for our personal connections, we always want to know the next steps for long-term relationship success.

Here at Connect Enrich, we take a different approach. We believe that the next step will only reveal itself after we finish the current step.

Why it’s important to not know the next step

Although we live in a world that values the next step so much, it shouldn’t always be the case, especially in relationships. Here are some of the reasons why it’s important to not know the next step.

1.  It stops you overthinking

Being in a relationship or looking for a relationship has its own set of challenges that sometimes encourage you to overthink things. It takes away your freedom to fully enjoy what you have because you’re always thinking about what should happen next.

Not knowing the next steps allows you to enjoy your current relationship stage without too much pressure. You also get to know yourself and/or your partner on a much deeper level while you’re working out a certain phase of the relationship.

2.  You learn to let go of frustrations

We tend to be self-critical all the time, and we become frustrated when we haven’t reached the next step yet. We’re pressured that for magnetising or optimising a relationship to be successful, we must continuously move towards the next step.

By acknowledging that there’s no urgent need to hit the next step, we realise the value of taking it slowly and appreciating ourselves and life better. The pressure is lifted and instead of focusing on the negatives, we value everything that we’ve accomplished so far, and our relationship with the Universe.

3.  We learn to trust the process

Not everything in life goes through a linear process, it’s filled with bumps, stops, and detours. Your relationship will never evolve if you expect it to take a linear path. You and your partner will go through lots of changes, and you’ll have to figure out the next step together.

Your next step will always be different from other couples and from other singles who are looking for a long-term relationship, so you need to learn to trust the process.

What is your step now?

Understanding your current step leads to your next step, get into it and when it’s finished you’ll discover your next step. To magnetise long-term relationship success, you have to recognise the current step you’re taking.

Mirah invites you to write down your current step and see how it impacts your relationship goals. After doing this step, proceed to the next step.


You don’t have to have everything figured out. Sometimes, there is beauty in surprises. Your next step will likely only reveal itself when you’ve finished with the current step. Allow your relationship stage to evolve, so you get a better understanding of where you  truly are at with magnetising your love relationship.

Don’t let the over-planning norm of the world get into you. Give yourself the freedom to take each step one at a time and enjoy every aspect of it.

Watch the video here.

If you want to learn more about relationships, join the Facebook group Long-Term Relationship Success

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