What is Non-Physical Intimacy?

Intimacy in relationships does not always have to be physical. Neither does it need to be obvious nor reserved for sexual partners. Oddly enough, it doesn’t even need to occur in private. We can feel deeply connected to a speaker on stage who is authentically sharing a life experience with the audience. If they go too far, it’s off-putting. If they don’t share enough, it doesn’t create the connection. 

Today, people crave intimacy in interpersonal relationships. It is hard to come by due to the fast-pace of life, the ever-present mound of information bombarding us throughout the day, and the stress that plagues us week-in and week-out. How can we slow down life enough to experience intimacy even with ourselves, let alone with other people?

Intimacy is the experience of connecting to and knowing someone deeply. It comes through sharing our human side with others in a way that doesn’t blame or require repair. The sharing may be intellectual, emotional, spiritual, or experiential. It simultaneously brings us closer to ourselves, the Universe, and others through the acknowledgement and exploration of human existence. It doesn’t need to take very long. 

May you experience a moment of intimacy in your life today!

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