The Biggest Key to Relationship Success Today

All of us want to know the biggest key to relationship success today. Since we aspire to have relationships that will stand the test of time, we want to walk the path that leads to this destination. If you want to understand how to make a relationship successful, you need to grasp what’s killing it.

Psychology Today mentioned that “stress spills over to personal lives and affects the quality of close relationships”. When people feel stressed, they exhibit negative traits towards their partners. This leads to more conflict and alienation in the relationship.

How does stress affect your relationships?

You’re now aware that stress is the biggest killer of relationship success, but how does it affect relationships? Here are common indicators that stress negatively impacts your personal bonds according to an online article published by Berkeley .

● It leads to us feeling isolated and ignored

When we feel stressed, we focus too much on how we feel and ignore our partner’s thoughts and emotions. We start to isolate ourselves because we may think that being with our partner will amplify the tension.

● We receive less support from partners

This is connected to the above factor. Our partners are also affected by how we deal with stress. Instead of using empathy, kind words, and comfort with us, they stay away to prevent further complications.

● Your relationship suffers

Rather than feeling happy, you and your partner become resentful towards each other. It’s a burden to be together, and you might feel unhappy.

Tips to lower your stress levels

Relaxation is the best way to combat stress. This means being physically and mentally relaxed and knowing how to handle stress triggers. Meditation also helps in focusing your attention and leads to feeling calm. Additionally, there are other ways to control or lower your stress levels.

● Be physically healthy

Being physically healthy comprises a lot of factors; getting enough sleep, eating healthy food, and engaging in physical activity. Doing so helps nourish your body, replenish your strength, and allows you to function better for daily tasks.

● Create social connections with others

Reaching out to family, friends, or your partner makes you realise and accept the support they’re willing to give. You no longer have to feel alienated because people around you make sure you know that they care. 

● Write down how you feel

Keeping notes lets you track possible triggers of stress. You can write down everything – thoughts, feelings, or what transpired during the day. A journal allows you to track emotions from previous days and how you handled them triumphantly.

Watch the video here.If you want to learn more about relationships, join the Facebook group Long-Term Relationship Success

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