
Find Your Life Partner

I help professionals confidently show up as their authentic selves so they can attract the long-term relationship they deeply desire and deserve.

“Before I started working with Mirah I was consistently hitting walls in dating.

Working with her was like taking off a blindfold. We worked step-by-step through a structured process that was individualised…and so incredibly empowering! She helped me connect to a deeper and truer part of myself than I had ever known.

Four days after we finished our work together, I met someone special who I am currently dating seriously. I wouldn’t believe it if it hadn’t happened to me!” (now married to her special someone.) 

~ Rebecca, Physiotherapist.

Find your life partner

Results Journey

I guide my clients through the Path to Your Life Partner journey. This shows both the results my clients attain and the way we get there. We move through these steps: Clarify, Connect & Communicate.

It's essential to identify and acknowledge your relationship needs so you can understand what you will need in a life partner to feel satisfied. It also gives you the confidence you need to communicate with ease.

Supporting yourself rather than attacking or criticising yourself is crucial to being able to access your most empowered self during pivotal conversations that have the power to create the next level of satisfaction in the relationship.

Next you and I will practise natural and authentic ways for you to communicate your needs confidently and respepctfully so that your relationship can progress to be deeper and more fulfilling and even more intimate.

Struggling in your marriage?

Take control with 5 critical steps to rebuild trust and connection.


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