Relax Until the Point of Impact

Sometimes it seems as if we are inside our ‘to do list’: “I just have to do this and then I have to do that and why haven’t I done the other thing yet?” This assumes a starting point of control. If I am in control then I can just do whatever I want to do next and continue in that manner. But am I in control or is that simply something I have been taught that is perhaps not entirely true?

Can I indeed move from one action item to the next seamlessly or is Life a little different to that? Something pops up unexpectedly: a phone call for example, or someone at the door; a sudden realisation that I need to get something for dinner now as there won’t be a chance later; an understanding that even though I am up to the next thing on my list, it requires another whole step – perhaps away from my desk – a purchase, a file, a bit of research – before it can be addressed.

Some people seem to emit the illusion that they are so in control, that they can get anything done on time and that whatever they want to achieve can get done sooner and better than anyone else could manage. The concept of Life getting in the way doesn’t even cross their mind. Either that or they aren’t responding to Life when it knocks on their door.

The concept that we are human and we have needs, that others are human and they have needs and we may need to look after them, that certain things can’t actually happen any faster than they do is beyond some people. They don’t easily move aside to make room for Life truthfully. They rather use control to stamp out their course even if it is not true in the moment given all the factors presented.

When we consider the greater picture beyond self – including circumstances, others and things – we often see that what we had in mind just doesn’t fit anymore or right now. Is this a true reason to be impatient or controlling or do we need to slow down and recognise what really is the next step in this big picture (of which we are but a small part)?

Do we need to become stressed or tense when we begin to see that what we wanted may not occur or is that counterproductive? Life has a way of giving us what’s best even though that may be in a different way or different entirely from what we perceived as best for us. This doesn’t mean we should give up on our goals easily. It is referring to a maturity and wisdom with which Life can be approached so that we can coexist with it in peace and without fear or other negative emotions.

We can trust that Life is indeed taking us on the best path for our higher selves and soon come to see that the way Life has it, there may be no point of impact. Hence the concept to relax until the point of impact – why waste energy and time and focus on something that may or may not occur? If something greater than us is at play then we cannot control all the factors in our lives and we can but surrender to it and feel the love it is in fact providing while we follow the adventure that is our life.

We can become adept at reading the message in the moment as to our truthful next step – one that doesn’t step on other people’s toes or go against our own inner truths. This can take time but it is worth the effort and results in an inner peace in the moment stemming from a faith that Life will indeed not betray us and we can trust the path that seems to be opening up before our very eyes and see where it will take us by following it step by step.

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