Our bodies are a major tool and resource as well as being an indicator of how connected we are to ourselves at any point in time. To utilise our bodies, we need to be totally present within them. Ways to do this include:
–> being grounded – feeling the energy in the lower half of our bodies by pushing the ground away with our feet and being aware of our legs;
–> “sitting back” in our bodies – moving our energy deep into our bodies by being aware of the back of our bodies (head, back, legs) and feeling present deep in our bellies for instance as opposed to lurching forward or retreating or having our awareness somehow hovering outside of or above our bodies;
–> being aware of our breath – extending the exhale until it is complete and allowing the inhale to come naturally as opposed to holding our breath or forcing it;
–> relaxing parts of our body that are holding tension by scanning face (including jaw and eyes), neck, shoulders, back, chest, stomach, etc.