How to Stay Connected While the People Around Pursue Disconnection Part 2

We can consider action steps for certain specific examples where we would like to stay connected with ourselves but it might be difficult. These are as follows:

  • Where the other person is pushing for an answer urgently, we can excuse ourselves saying we shall get back to them another time when we are ready;
  • Where the other person is very sweetly and extremely respectfully requesting something, we can pursue the conversation factually without becoming distracted or persuaded by their uncharacteristic tone;
  • Where we find their manner just too intense, we can excuse ourselves (whether in person or over the phone) and take a break or a walk or a breather before returning to continue the conversation;
  • Where a person is nasty or disrespectful, we can feel free to leave the
  • conversation (and even the premises) by respectfully excusing ourselves.

In general, if we lose connection with our inner calm, we can take a break from the interaction by excusing ourselves, engaging in some movement or saying we can continue this another time.

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