At times the way forward can be confusing. However, if the situation is confronting and emotionally disturbing, something does need to be done. A way out of the emotional pressure needs to be found.
We may be intimidated by what stands in front of us – be it a person, a thing, a challenge… It is challenging to consider how to apply intellect to an emotionally disturbing scenario. However, wisdom is a better approach than worry. It is worth the effort it takes to consider the end result of a number of options rather than the easier option of waiting to see what results from working oneself up into a state of worry.
It takes courage to approach a subject that one finds difficult or fearful or emotionally challenging. The way to go about it if doing nothing isn’t working is to be self-reliant and to take 100% responsibility for the challenge. This means we are not waiting for someone else to do or say something but rather thinking, “What can I do about this? What is my next step?” We may need to work on ourselves or to recognise that no more work can be done and that we need to call the situation like it is – in a respectful gentle way. We may need to factually state our feelings or to get some expert help to assist us with what indeed is the next step.
Whatever the challenge, visualise it met. See what you look like in your mind’s eye with the result you want to attain and take the steps to work towards that as soon as you have the opportunity and it is the right time. It is important to be clear about what you want and to really, really want it with all the fibres of your being!