The Hidden Cost of Disconnection

Communication takes a lot of effort and energy. Why waste arrows missing the mark? The truth is when we want to look good and invest energy, time and resources going out to strut our stuff and we miss the mark, it costs us as well as our relationships. Choosing not to...

The Ecstasy of Connection

Isn’t connecting with people and things and even yourself hard work? How could it possibly be defined as ecstatic? Well, I am here to propose that when connected to oneself, the Universe, and the person in front of you, connection is ecstasy. Why would you do...

What is Non-Physical Intimacy?

Intimacy in relationships does not always have to be physical. Neither does it need to be obvious nor reserved for sexual partners. Oddly enough, it doesn’t even need to occur in private. We can feel deeply connected to a speaker on stage who is authentically sharing...

The Need for a Spark

It sounds like a cliché but sometimes a spark keeps the relationship alive. Relationships undergo difficult times but when a spark is present, it serves as a lasting foundation that helps the connection thrive. We’ll talk about why the need for a spark is important...