Being light means carrying light energy. That is, not carrying around negative energy – of one’s own or belonging to someone else – from now or from the past. Light energy is love – love for self, others, Life, etc. A light being is exactly that – light and free – like a feather. The challenge is to get light and stay light. How can we do this?
Step one is to clear one’s field. One way to do this is to say, “I release all energy that is not mine/ not for my highest good/ that is negative from now and from the past.” This needs to be done regularly especially if you easily feel others’ energy, thoughts or emotions.
Step two is to appreciate that energy is created from action or emotion which is created from a thought which is a spark of energy put into our head. So we may be given the initial thought. Either we entertain it or let it go. If we entertain it and it is false it will give us a negative feeling (such as fear or disempowerment) and then we have translated the thought into a negative energy which can impact ourselves and others. If each individual takes full responsibility for their own negative energy, they will do the work to recognise how it eventuated and they will clear it and go back and correct that initial thought or let go of it and apologise to people who may have been negatively impacted (including themselves). All this is done gently and lovingly towards the self and others. We have to understand that we are human beings and we have been created with free will and the opportunity to acknowledge our mistakes. Thus making a miss-take is an error which is a natural part of our journey and from which we can grow. If we were perfect we would no longer be alive as our soul’s work would be complete.
Step three is to understand that other people are also imperfect. They may be entertaining a false thought which is leading to negative or disempowering emotions being created and accordingly towards negative actions and energy around them.
Step four is to learn how to avoid rather than engage with or absorb other people’s negative energy:
(a) Know who you are – know that you exist, your essence, your purpose and your soul’s character – are you a warrior, do you represent peace, faith, love, learning, contribution…?
(b) Be able to recognise without judgment another’s error, even comprehending how it could have come about;
(c) Separate yourself from the other person with a lovely healing light or energy;
(d) Reconnect to yourself, creation;
(e) Move on with your own purpose and day, pausing to reflect regularly.