If miracles can happen when people believe they can, then who am I to not try to attain the ‘impossible’? It is not relevant whether I think I can do it – it is a matter of whether it can happen. And miracles do happen. We’ve seen blind people see and autistic people lose that diagnosis in this world to date as just two examples. Who am I to believe the naysayer, the fear monger, the ‘realist’ who doesn’t actually know what reality can look like in truth? The world is bigger than me and nature may be controlled by a Bigger Force in which case, why should I be restricted by ‘nature’ or ‘expert’ opinions? These are the questions that people who break through ‘reality’ ask.
Step 1 is to accept where we are at and not to be in denial about it.
Step 2 is to address our beliefs about what is possible from here and to open them up to infinity.
Step 3 is to visualise where we want to go even if ‘realists’ poo poo the idea.
Step 4 is to put steps in place in our own lives to eradicate the negative and
Step 5 is to attach to the positive through action.
Step 6 is humility and gratitude and staying open to our intuition to guide us.
Step 7 is belief in ourselves regardless of what others say.
Step 8 is the realisation that at the end of the process, not only will the goal have been achieved but we will be much greater for it and all of that positive life experience will now be a part of us. We will likely no longer even notice naysayers or fear mongers.
Let them worry and criticise, judge and predict, whilst we go out there and get on with it – realising the miracles we have been put here to bring to fruition, detaching from our fears and the limiting beliefs within to soar to heights previously unreachable for ourselves as individuals and perhaps to humanity as a whole. To Life!